
Just a quick post about this little company that I love!

smol claim to have made the most effective concentrated laundry capsule in the world. They don’t sell in the shops so you buy directly from them and your order comes through the door at monthly intervals.

And there are big savings to be made. smol are considerably cheaper than the leading brands. They’re also eco friendly and cruelty free.

But don’t take my word for it. You can trial them for £1. Click here to learn more.

I did the trial for both their laundry pods and dishwasher tablets and I absolutely loved the products. I love the company ethos, I loved the product performance and I even loved the packaging.

Alas I have not signed up, as a week after starting my trial my daughter was diagnosed with a contact allergy to linalool and limonene. Ingredients often found in naturally fragranced products. I emailed smol who quickly confirmed that their products do contain a teeny tiny amount of limonene (from lavender oil). So I opted not to take the risk.

If they ever offered a limonene/fragrance free version I would sign up tomorrow. But if you have no such concerns then they’re worth a go!

*The small print – smol have not paid me for this post. I have genuinely trialled the products. Always read the small print.

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  1. Shelley davies says:

    Thank you so much for the info. I also have an allergy to linalool and limonene and was going to try this. Not sure if you know this but Geraniol is also found in lavender oil AND rose oil and I know that this is the stuff I’m HIGHLY allergic to (to anaphylactic degree) and also anything Jasmine scented has linalool I’m so avoid stuff that’s labelled white flowers.

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