Limonene & Linalool

Regular readers of this blog will know that my teenage daughter has coeliac disease. This means she can’t ingest gluten. She adheres to a strict gluten free diet and we have to be careful about cross contamination. She was diagnosed six years ago and we haven’t stepped out the front door since without having to…

Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh is a meal kit subscription service. Essentially what happens is a courier delivers a box to your door each week containing ingredients for the meals you have chosen from a set list. I signed up a few months ago because I felt like we were stuck in a rut. I don’t consider myself…

Bees Wrap

If you haven’t heard of or seen Bees Wrap yet you soon will. Touted as the eco friendly alternative to cling film, Bees Wrap can be reused for up to a year (and then composted), is mouldable, washable, water resistant and super strong. Want to create less waste? Hate all the plastic? Bees Wrap might…

Skinny Carbonara

This is a dish that I make when I am on a diet. It’s one of the few things that I will eat with relish because it’s really tasty and it’s pasta and God knows you feel gloriously lucky if you’re allowed to eat pasta when you’re trying to lose weight. I am not dieting…


Last week my daughter had some appointments that didn’t go so well and her Dietitian has put her on a high fat, high protein, high calorie diet (again). I don’t really know why they bother saying she needs to eat more of this or more of that as generally it appears she just needs to…


I’ve made a massive mistake. As I sit here, in the sweltering heat in the driveway of my daughter’s Maths tutor, I am trying to think if I have anything I can throw together for dinner tonight. I know I haven’t defrosted anything (forgot) and I can’t remember what we have or don’t have because…

Emergency Pudding 

Sometimes one requires an emergency pudding. We’ve all been there when you just need something sticky and gooey and sugary and there’s NO TIME to make anything.  Or y’know, you’re just feeling really lazy.  That’s where these come in!  Cuppa Bakes (sold in M&S) are brilliant! You mix the pre-prepared ingredients into a mug (with some…


OK, so these probably aren’t the sort of thing that you’d buy for yourself on a regular basis but they are quite fun and make a great gift – especially if the recipient is partaking in Dry January! Rocktails are a British company who claim to solve the dilemma of what to drink when you’re not drinking….

Flora Freedom

I shop mostly with Ocado. I like the service and most importantly they sell loads of gluten free stuff which we need for Coeliac Daughter. Quite often I get a freebie and this week the freebie was a tub of Flora Freedom.  Bonuses of Flora Freedom are:  Dairy Free Vegan and Vegetarian Society approved  100%…

Higher Nature Kids

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts my daughter is a fussy eater. At nearly thirteen she’s past the stage of being able to sneak vegetables into food or sauces and seeing as she’s had some issues resulting from undiagnosed coeliac disease I’ve had to ease off on insisting on getting 5 a day.  But perhaps…