Limonene & Linalool

Regular readers of this blog will know that my teenage daughter has coeliac disease. This means she can’t ingest gluten. She adheres to a strict gluten free diet and we have to be careful about cross contamination. She was diagnosed six years ago and we haven’t stepped out the front door since without having to…


Now if you’re of a delicate disposition you may want to skip this post altogether. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. My friend Ryan has an infected finger. He has no idea how it happened. Maybe a cat scratched it. They’re very scratchy. Anyway his finger was swollen, painful, hot to touch, pus – the…


People have been lovely asking about my foot. Latest news is that I went for the much-anticipated MRI on Sunday morning. I’ve never had an MRI before. I was preparing to go all the way into the machine and had been warned it can be terribly claustrophobic but I actually only needed to be about…


So, my foot saga continues. Today I went to the hospital and met with the orthopaedic team. As I mentioned in my Sick post back in January I have something of a habit of being treated by the beautiful. I maintain that this is not a good thing, it’s awful. There’s nothing worse than having to face Dr Handsome…

Vitamin C

The lurgy has now departed. My daughter had the week off school and I had a day off work but now we’re all feeling much better, if a little washed out. I’m not all that great at eating fruit so I’ve been keeping dosed up on vitamin C with some of those effervescent tablets. I…


Remember when I mentioned in my Busy Bristol post that my foot was causing me grief and swelling up like a puffer fish? Well… it would appear that it may have been broken. Not dangling-off-the-ankle-swinging-in-the-breeze broken you understand but potentially fractured. The GP thinks I may have fractured it when I twisted it tripping down a step I didn’t…

Higher Nature Kids

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts my daughter is a fussy eater. At nearly thirteen she’s past the stage of being able to sneak vegetables into food or sauces and seeing as she’s had some issues resulting from undiagnosed coeliac disease I’ve had to ease off on insisting on getting 5 a day.  But perhaps…


I knew Pukka did teas, I didn’t know they did capsule/powder supplements. But they do and I must confess I am rather tempted. It’s well known that supplements in powder form are more easily absorbed by the body than tablets. The crucial thing about supplements in capsule/tablet form is that you take them with food….


If you’re a coeliac (or just on a self-imposed gluten free diet) and you really really miss Weetabix then I have some VERY EXCITING NEWS. NutriBix is just like Weetabix except it’s GLUTEN FREE. There’s nothing more to say, seeing as all the good stuff is written very clearly on the packet, so here’s a…


On Tuesday my mother, who has just undergone serious spinal/back surgery, was rushed to hospital by ambulance with a blood clot. This is called a pulmonary embolism and it’s no joke. Blood clots can be fatal. And even if they’re not, they can have serious repercussions… a blood clot that reaches the heart will cause a…